Longboat Rond

Protective Psychology

LbR Protective Psychology division brings together the disciplines of protective security and psychology. We provide competent and compassionate mental health care to individuals in high-risk contexts including fragile and hostile environments. Our clients include corporations, NGOs, private organisations, and individuals who may be at risk due to their unique life circumstances.

Our licensed clinicians provide confidential support, counselling and other behavioural health care services directly to clients where and when they need it. At Longboat Rönd, our mission is to protect both body and mind.

Our capability goes far beyond the realm of trauma counselling.

As with most aspects of protective safety and security, prevention is better than cure. In line with this, our counsellors undertake a number of activities that complement the preventative safety ethos that runs throughout the Longboat group.  These activities include:

Identifying any potential psychological triggers that may exist in staff about to be deployed to higher risk locations, helping design general and bespoke coping strategies and wellness training options.  This works in tandem with post-deployment debriefing either as a routine measure or as a result of a specific incident or series of incidents.

Extensive research and direct evidence shows that employees who receive timely and high-quality psychological debriefing in the aftermath of a critical incident not only experience less long lasting mental health issues, they also have a far better perception of their employers, and are less likely to hold hostile feelings towards them.  Focused and professionally managed individual and group debriefs for staff and any accompaying family members are core strands of the health and safety strategy for an ethical, compassionate and employee focused organisation.

In the aftermath of a crisis, particularly those leading to the death or serious injury of employees, it will be important for the organisation to provide support to the families of those employees involved. As with Critical Incident Debriefs, an organisation will be viewed as much on how it managed the aftermath of the incident as it will be on the incident itself. Too often the families of those most affected simply receive a few phone calls from a manager or HR member. Our counsellors can help with the communication strategy, and with psychological support for those managing the family liaison itself.

It is an unsavoury truth that sometimes the threats to our families and businesses come from those we have trusted and brought close to us.

Identifying those individuals who join the inner circle with the intention to do harm, or once inside become corrupted and develop malicious intent is, unfortunately, as important as your other physical security measures.

This is an area of protective security that is often overlooked or relies on references based on the perceptions and experiences of others.  At Longboat Rönd we have developed techniques based on tried and tested Clinical Psychology that establish a person’s genuine motivations and identifies deception and hostile intent.

This process should form part of your recruitment protocol for trusted positions however it can also be used as part of a routine screening process or as a targeted investigation if suspicions already exist.

Away from the acute trauma situation, organisations continually lose productivity and employees through accumulative stress.

We can help to ensure managers are trained on how to identify accumulative stress and all employees know how to address the symptoms. This will  build personal and therefore organisational resilience, which not only leads to a healthier and happier workforce, it also reduces financial loss.

An abduction or kidnapping event will be a highly pressurised and traumatic experience for the victim as well as their family and friends. Our experienced trauma psychologists have helped family members deal with these pressures during the kidnap period but also, crucially, after the release of their loved one. It is during this period, one where the elation of release is mixed with other less anticipated emotions such as shock, confusion and potentially guilt, that our services are most needed. The psychological impact of abduction and kidnap, particularly if it has been for a protracted period, can be magnified if the reintegration of the victim is not handled in a planned and sympathetic way. We can help both the family and the victim by managing expectations, assisting in controlled emotional release and rebuilding of relationships, all of which are critical in helping to reduce the long term effects of the event. Getting the victim physically back is just the start, we can help in truly bringing them home.

Our Global Mental Health Counsellors

The Longboat Rönd Mental Health Counsellors use a trauma-informed and culturally resonant approach to provide crisis intervention, mental health evaluation, intervention planning, therapy, and psycho-social education to individuals at high risk of trauma. The counsellors may also provide individual, couples and family mental health services as collateral support.  As part of a team of Health, Safety and Security professionals, the counsellors collaboratively coordinate care with other disciplines within the Longboat Group and outside agencies as needed.

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