Longboat Rond

Crisis Management Team

We are able to offer your management team Crisis Management training specifically tailored to your business or activities and based upon our tried, tested and field proven model. From managing the immediate impact on staff and delivery, through information and communication management to tactical decision making, our training course will push your staff intellectually and emotionally as well as building them into an effective Crisis Management Team (CMT).

Furthermore, Longboat Rönd is able to offer live support to your CMT in the event of an activation. This can be either via online platforms or by direct deployment to the field. Our staff have managed multiple crises across a range of contexts and covering a broad spectrum of incidents. They can provide specific advice to individual CMT members in line with their respective functions such as Security, Logistics or HR, or leadership and decision making advice to the Chair or Team as a whole.

In extremis we can provide an entire CMT to run an incident for you.

Train your team to handle difficult and unexpected situations

Protect your business. With nothing but the best.

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