Longboat Rond

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)​

About the course

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT) is designed to prepare civilians to visit, live and work in environments where their existing life-skills may not be sufficient to protect them from the hazards and threats they are likely to be exposed to.

Through extensive experience, careful research and analysis we have developed our own version of HEAT that is delivered over six days and designed to be challenging yet psychologically safe for participants.

Delivered in-person through a combination of classroom and experiential learning, this training is designed to safely push participants beyond their own previously perceived personal limits. This is achieved by employing the concept of 'high-fidelity stress exposure training.'

We believe we are unique in requiring pre-course psychological screening and maintaining the presence of an on-site psychologist throughout HEAT. This ensures a personalised experience for each participant AND ensures their psychological safety at all times.

By the end of the course

Participants are fully prepared to visit, live and work in a hostile environment. They will understand how to recognize hazards and threats in their environment and be confident in handling them.

What to expect

Course length: Six days

No. of participants: 24-40

Locations: Middle East, South America, Scandinavia, Europe, others on request

Course language: English, French, Spanish or Arabic with options for multi-lingual courses

Pre-requisites: Psychological screening (included) a reasonable degree of mobility (but not a high degree of physical fitness)

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